CorneaCare is a digital eye health and wellness company that seeks to make eyecare a priority for all. Our vision is for people to understand, preserve and enjoy their eyesight, and our mission is to provide personalized, comprehensive and compassionate eye care. To this end, we’re currently focused on dry eye disease, which affects over 30 million Americans and 300 million people worldwide. Dry eye disease is the migraine of the eyes; it’s widely misunderstood, underdiagnosed and undertreated, and can affect you physically, psychologically, socially and financially.
Current treatments for dry eye disease are confusing and complex, which leaves patients feeling isolated, frustrated and helpless. We combine education with community, and treatment with technology to empower patients to take control of their dry eyes and achieve lasting relief. Our education portal filters dense medical literature into understandable peer-reviewed articles on dry eye disease. Our community hub provides a safe environment for patients to listen, share and learn from each other and from our dry eye experts. Our treatments distill complex regimens into convenient plans that are delivered to the patient’s door, and seamlessly integrate into a patient’s lifestyle. Our app engages and enables the patient to implement their treatment plan, track their progress and stay connected with us throughout. CorneaCare’s platform provides patients with all the necessary tools to take control of their dry eyes and achieve lasting relief.